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Conference proceedings to be published in ELSEVIER's Energy Procedia

The SiliconPV 2014 conference proceedings will be published with Elsevier on their renowned online platform Energy Procedia. This collaboration will provide optimum visibility of the proceedings and ensure that the authors’ publications remain traceable and citable. Final online papers will contain linked references, XML versions and DOI numbers and will be listed on Scopus and All previous SiliconPV Proceedings are published in Elsevier’s Energy Procedia.

Best 20 papers to be published in SOLMAT

The authors of the best 20 papers have been invited to publish their full paper in Elsevier’s peer reviewed journal SOLMAT in the Special Issue "SiliconPV 2014".

Reviewing process

All abstracts and full papers will be subject to a detailed reviewing process. The abstract will be scored in the categories “Significance”, “Originality” and “Technical Quality”.

Originality: Does the paper present novel material?
Significance: How significant is the paper for the crystalline silicon PV community?
Technical quality:  Are the motivation and the approach clearly described? Are the methods and experiments chosen appropriately? Is the presentation of the results clear? Are the analysis of the results and the conclusions scientifically proper and sound?

Reviewing of Full Papers
After the conference all submitted papers will be reviewed in the paper reviewing process and will be accepted as it is, accepted with major/minor changes or might be rejected. All papers with major/minor changes will be sent back to the author for modification. All papers which have been accepted will be published in Elsevier Energy Procedia.

Please note, papers that aren’t presented on-site at the conference won’t be accepted for the conference proceedings.

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